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On the itinerary: celebration of Koningsdag! [Netherlands Tour, 2015]

How often do you get to attend a Royal birthday?

On the first leg of our “Bridging Generations” Tour to the Netherlands, choristers will join residents and world travellers in Amersfoort for the King’s Day (Koningsdag) celebrations.

As the biggest “kermissen” (fair) of the year, the National Holiday marks the birth of King Willem-Alexander. King’s Day is a spectacular event of markets, street parties, and shows throughout village squares (and canals) across the country.

Our chorister’s will share in the special Dutch-brand of good cheer with a town square performance for the crowds of well wishers.

This festival, celebrated since 1890 (and formerly known as Queen’s Day), will introduce our singers to one of the Netherland’s most the historical customs, the “oranjegekte” (orange madness) – as well as many aspects of culture, tradition, and artistic variety of classic and contemporary music.


WANT TO KNOW MORE about Kings Day? Here’s what wikipedia has to share.




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Email Executive Director, Carla Tadla:

Phone: 250-721-0856

Registered Charitable organization number: #86380 8440 RR0001

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The Victoria Children's Choir is a Member of Choral Canada and the BC Choral Federation.

We would like to acknowledge that we gather on the unceded, ancestral lands of the Lekwungen speaking peoples – the Songhees and Esquimalt First Nations, who have stewarded these lands and waterways since time immemorial, and whose connection to the land continues to this day. We are grateful to live, learn, raise our families, and make music on these beautiful lands. We would also like to acknowledge our Métis, Inuit and urban Indigenous partners and friends who call these lands their home.

© Victoria Children's Choir

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