A fond farewell to our founder! On June 15th Artistic Director Madeleine Humer retired from the Victoria Children's Choir after 19 years. The big party had to be postponed but it will happen post-Covid!
Five graduating choristers serenaded Madeleine outside of her home and gifts were presented by staff and Board members. The rest of the choir, staff and Board joined in virtually via Zoom. Here is a video of our socially distanced celebration! https://youtu.be/ASlt7qNN63w
We also announced the Madeleine Humer Bursary Fund. Newly established, this fund will ensure that bursaries can be offered to choristers whose families may be facing financial challenges. The Bursary Fund will also provide an annual scholarship to a graduating chorister who is planning to study music at a post-secondary level. https://www.victoriachildrenschoir.ca/support
