Early in our 15th season, Choristers had an incredible performance opportunity. They joined Canadian singing sensation, The Tenors, for their “Under One Sky Tour” concert in Victoria, BC – a lesson in the business of music that will last a lifetime.
It’s a priceless experience for young people to realize that their personal talent and interest – combined with serious preparation and practice – has the potential to become something beloved by others. The large audience, comprised of people of all ages who also love vocal music, has inspired many of our students to greater music (and other) goals.
Appearing with The Tenors was an immediate boost of self-confidence for our students, who sang harmony to a diverse collection of arrangements and collaborations. The music line-up not only enriched our studied so far this Season but is proof that all genres of music are timeless!
To be guests of an internationally-celebrated group – with four studio albums, “talent to burn,” and “killer singing voices” (The Toronto Star) – is a testament to our choristers’ diligence in singing technique. The honour is also a nod to the high standards of training led by artistic Director, Madeleine Humer.
The concert was a sell-out, and we will be forever thrilled to have joined our voices with four of Canada’s most celebrated musicians.
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Singing with the Canadian Tenors
A short amateur-audience clip. Close your eyes and imagine the moment!